Lisa Ramey: The R&B artist is heading for superstardom in 2024 and plans to take everyone with her.

In 2023, Lisa Ramey set herself the challenge of releasing one song every month and, in turn, becoming the productive, professional music artist she knew she could be. Now, after the overwhelming career success she experienced last year, Lisa has big plans for what comes next.

IMPRINTent, IMPRINT Entertainment, Lisa Ramey, The Voice, New Music Releases, Entertainment News, Music, Singer, Songwriter, R&B, R&B Music, Joe Capo, Music, Surrender, Soul Music, Country Rock, Pop Music, Pop, Pop Artist, Pop Singer, John Legend, Camilla Cabello, Common, Vice President Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris, Civil Rights, Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer, Money, Marketing, Guest Posts, Blogging, Advertising

Flashback to early springtime 2020. R&B singer Lisa Ramey had recently wrapped up her final performances on Season 16 of The Voice, where her soul-stirring covers had earned national attention. She was preparing for what might come next in her music journey.

Like most artists who become shining stars on music competition shows, Lisa knew success wasn’t always a sure thing after the cameras were switched off. She had an incredible gift for singing and a natural charisma – but would her newfound fanbase stay in it for the long run?

To Lisa’s surprise and unending appreciation, she discovered that her fans were committed. As lockdown took the world by surprise in 2020, Lisa was busy trying to promote her debut album, Surrender. The album was a bright, bursting, yet vulnerable mix of R&B, soul, country-rock, pop, and everything else. It got a rave response from Lisa’s fanbase. And, even as COVID concerns meant that she couldn’t promote it precisely as she’d liked, Lisa began participating in live-streamed gigs to share her music with the world.

Lisa’s online gigs became big occasions in and of themselves. Audiences flocked to her social media channels to witness her performing her fresh new tracks, and a new sense of community was born there. Off the back of this attention, she was invited to share the online stage with artists like John Legend, Camilla Cabello, and Common as part of the Global Citizen’s “Together at Home” concert series. As her platform grew, she even worked alongside Vice President Kamala Harris as she campaigned in the 2020 election.

But Lisa is the first to admit she’s always keen to change things. Throughout her career, she has always wanted to keep her fans – both the ones she has now and the ones she plans on converting in the future – on their toes. Her second album, 2023’s Broken Smile, was an eye-opening reworking of the forgotten songs and words of civil rights activist Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer. It was a collaborative effort that highlighted Lisa’s commitment to how music and activism can intersect.

Lisa has been penning an ambitious new chapter for herself in her music journey. Throughout the latter half of 2023, Lisa released a series of bold, more vulnerable, and more ambitious singles than anything she had ever done. Songs like ‘My Creator’ and ‘Internet’ showcased an artist confident enough to lay her soul bare.

Once again, fans raved about these songs, and Lisa became more emboldened. In some ways, these recent months have offered a full-circle moment for Lisa. As an artist who achieved national fame for covering the work of other musicians, she was now finding fame from singing her own deeply personal songs.

IMPRINTent, IMPRINT Entertainment, Lisa Ramey, The Voice, New Music Releases, Entertainment News, Music, Singer, Songwriter, R&B, R&B Music, Joe Capo, Music, Surrender, Soul Music, Country Rock, Pop Music, Pop, Pop Artist, Pop Singer, John Legend, Camilla Cabello, Common, Vice President Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris, Civil Rights, Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer, Money, Marketing, Guest Posts, Blogging, Advertising

With her single, ‘Hopeless,’ audiences can expect to see her star continuing to rise.